Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Today's Happenings

Apparently this whole potty training things isn't a fluke.  Granted, she didn't want to go on the potty until this afternoon because she was so busy watching her shows in the morning, and then entertaining or being entertained by her grandparents.  However, once she remembered it existed, she kept going, and going, and going.  Please note though, it will probably be a while before she does anything more than daytime peeing on the potty.  She has outright told me when the moment arose that she will not poop on the potty (sorry if TMI).  This is a good start though. 

And apparently the cooking and baking bug has re-bitten me.  Yesterday I made biscuits using the Gluten Free Bisquick for the first time.  Substituting ground flax seed for eggs and Earth Balance Buttery Spread for the butter, they came out pretty good.  Today I again used the Bisquick, but followed Betty Crocker's recipe for a Cinnamon Streussel Coffee Cake.  Although the topping was partially dry, overall it had a good flavor and texture. 

As for cooking, whenever I have company it means I get a real meal for lunch, versus scraps or odds and ends.  So for today, lunch was chicken cooked in a sauce of orange marmalade (first slightly dissolved in microwave) with tamari (wheatless soy sauce), a spinach salad with mandarin oranges, slivered carrots, and sunflower seeds, and rice.   Tonight's dinner is a bit of a mix.  The Babe is having an ear of corn, and if she opts to, leftover chicken.  I'm having a soup I just made.  Its a lentil spinach soup with beef.  I never make soup using beef, so this should be interesting.  It also calls for what I consider Middle Eastern or Indian spices.  It is definitely hearty between the beef and lentil.  If its good, I may post the recipe.  Now, time to eat!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Wiped Out

Exciting news, but I am wiped out!  Yesterday afternoon, since I was running out of regular diapers, I put the Babe in a pull-up.  She didn't want her pants back on, so no big deal.  An hour or two later, she tells me, "Mommy, I have to go pee-pee!" and goes running across the house to the bathroom.  Well, I'm certainly not going to say no to that.  Onto the toilet she goes, she chants, "Go, C___, Go!", and  a minute later she did it!  She was thrilled, as was I.  Forty minutes later, she did it all over again.  We tried a few more times at my urging, but it wasn't until two hours later that she again made the announcement that she had to go, and went running.  We had three successful potty trips last night. all instigated by the Babe. 

Today, we're apparently on a roll again.  Just before we went out this morning, I put her in a pull-up.  It was dry when we got home.  Then, a little while later, off she went running.  In the past hour, she's done this four times with success (five as I type this).  I'm already tired from the lifting onto the toilet, off, and up for handwashing, but I will not impede this great process.  Go, C, Go!

Saturday, August 27, 2011


I really wanted Chocolate tonight, but didn't want to bake (or clean up anything else).  Since I wanted something warm to drink, I made myself a cup of cocoa.  Most people I know probably only make it with the instant packets, but those are not allergy safe for us.  So, with a cup of Enriched Vanilla soy milk, some Hershey's cocoa powder, granulated sugar, and a splash of vanilla extract, I now have a nice warm cup of chocolate. 

I may be having a winter drink, but we've had gorgeous end of summer/beginning of fall weather today.  This afternoon we took a drive with the Babe, and then stopped by a large local grocery store that has a great selection of, well, just about everything.  While looking at some gluten free baking mixes in the gluten free aisle, we struck up a conversation with one woman, and soon another joined in.  Probably because most people are in that section of the store for a special reason, you can't help but chatting up which mix is better, or what sensitivity/allergy/illness you or a relative has.  Its nice, because no where else in our community have I seen that opportunity to arise, to share our stories.  Rather, its me explaining why the Babe can't touch this or do that because of the risk of something.  Here we all had something familiar, and understood.  I can get that community on the internet through various groups I've found, but its nice to have a face to face discussion.

And speaking of community, its been interesting to see how people are handling the anticipated hurricane on the east coast.  What has been brought up by a few groups that I follow online are how to prepare if you are coping with food allergies.  Most parents have to cook or bake special for their food allergic child (or adult).  What would you stock-pile?  My list, based on what the Babe would eat, would probably be cereal, soy milk, fresh fruits and vegetables, and potato chips.  Long term without refrigeration and cooking abilities would be devastating.  So hopefully the predictions are off, and any power outages out east will be brief.  In the meantime, I will be thankful for what we have, and remember that my list of complaints are insignificant compared to what others are coping with tonight.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Change of Season

My internal clock must be telling me something.  I've been itching to make soup and bread and other baked goods for a week or two now.  I've also been starting to look forward to wearing sweaters.  Either I'm planning to pack on some pounds, or fall is approaching. 

Today I took the Babe to a nearby Farmer's Market and picked up a monster of a zucchini.  It was about two feet in length, and called to me, "bake me in bread".  Part one of my day's workout involved grating by hand half of that zucchini.  I followed Bob's Red Mill's recipe, substituting flax seed for the eggs, and now have several mini loaves on my counter top.  Hopefully I won't be eating it all or else I'll be hiding behind some sweaters very fast.

My second workout had many benefits.  The Babe and I played soccer, and I made her occasionally chase me and the ball.  Rather than just kicking it back and forth, we got some running in.  She got fresh air, some vitamin D, and a little exercise, as did I.  The other benefit is she is now napping, something she has not done in weeks.  I'm extremely thrilled here.  While she's sleeping, I am cooking dinner.  The rest of that zucchini just got tossed in some homemade vegetable soup that's simmering away.  Its a very fall-ish dinner between the hearty soup and oven baked chicken.  That's ok, my stomach apparently knows no season.  Hopefully I can control my portions a bit so I can hold off on wearing those sweaters, though.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Kickin' It

We have a new activity that the Babe is enjoying.  She is loving to play soccer.  We have a small ball that resembles a soccer ball that we've been kicking around outside for the past few days.  She is so cute as she runs with her arms pumping to go kick the ball.  Today it looked like she picked up a new move, stopping, and kicking the ball behind her. 

This is great.  A minimal contact sport that doesn't require hand contact to any of the equipment.  Perfect!  She's also been working on this with a large beach ball in our basement.  Thankfully there isn't much she can damage, and has a ton of fun kicking it at the wall or us.  The ball may have met its match, so we need to go buy a new one.  My husband thought he accomplished that task yesterday, except he brought home a 48 inch ginormous beach ball.  It didn't register that this would blow up to be bigger than the Babe.  Its still not fully blown up because while we are both filled with a lot of hot air, not quite enough to get it filled up in an hour.  This is a good thing, because the ball may mysteriously disappear very soon.

For now, we will try to take advantage of the cooling down summer weather.  Currently the Babe and her Daddy have gone to look at the boats by the lake, while I take a little break.  When its just the two of them, we have come up with a new solution to how to carry her meds, since my husband would look a little funny carrying my extremely large purse.  The Babe carries her backpack that is pink and purple and looks like a teddy bear.  She loves to carry it, and this way she has everything she needs with her.  This is a sign of the future too, because one day it will be her responsibility to carry her medication with her.  However, when she's with me, I'll always plan to have whatever she needs, in more ways than one.

Friday, August 19, 2011

How to Give Your Mother a Heart Attack

For the parent of a food allergic child, we hover, we watch, we worry.  Ok, that's true for a lot of parents, but we have more cause.  So my little cutie thinks its hilarious to make certain noises and then grab a drink of water.  She doesn't know why this may concern me, but she thinks its funny. 

I just gave her a brownie cupcake with chocolate chips in it.  She had one yesterday and was just fine.  She seemed fine just a few minutes ago, until she decided to spit out half of it.  Made me wonder why.  Then, we moved onto the family room and asked her to pick up her blocks.  Suddenly she's making a cat-with-a-hairball sound (or what I believe that sound would be).  I ask if she's ok, she looks like she's gagging.  I ask if she wants water and she says yes.  Worried that she's reacting to the snack, she has some water, and sighs and says she's just fine.  Makes the cat noise again, and she refills her glass (her favorite game lately is to fill up her cup from the water dispenser in the fridge).  Then she smiles with a big twinkle in her eye, and repeats.  Now she's happily sitting with her water cup and a straw blowing bubbles.  Oh, and has apparently made herself soaking wet. 

Saturday, August 13, 2011


To our various family members who have offered the Babe the "bribe" of big girl underpants should she use the potty, it won't work.  She is not bribeable.  Ok, that's probably not entirely true.  You'll just have to pick something else to entice her if you plan to bribe her.  Why do I say this?  Because I have tried.  I had bought her underpants a few months ago, and have offered them to her on various occasions.  This morning I went so far as to put a pair on her, planning to then add the overpants.  Well, the Babe informed me that she does not like underpants, and didn't want to wear them.  She is a rock- the potty video, the pull-up diapers, the big girl underpants- nothing seems to be working...yet.  In fact, she sat happily on the potty today a few times, but nothing happened.  She even tells me that she'll make me soooo happy if she pees on the potty.  Ok, I didn't say this to her, she just knows it.  Granted, I don't want her to associate going to the bathroom with making her parents happy, because we'll have big problems come her teen years.  I'm trying not to push her too hard, but the clock is ticking.  I'm considering buying a real potty, not just the seat you put on top of the toilet.  To me that is the ultimate concession- oh, the horror!  I haven't caved yet.  We'll see what the next few days bring.

Friday, August 12, 2011


I have found a new manner of parent abuse- forcing me to watch "Elmo's Potty Time" again.  I only bought the DVD yesterday, and we are now on our fifth viewing.  Oh, the pain!  Granted, its great for a toddler.  Cute and fun.  However, I'm not a fan of repeatedly hearing potty terms over and over again.  So after this viewing, its going off. 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Sassy girl

Conversation overheard between my husband and daughter tonight:
"You need to start picking up after yourself." (in reference to pile of toys scattered in family room).
"I can't hear you!"
"Then take your fingers out of your ears!"

As a friend of my parents has said, she has a mouth on her.  I generally think she's cute, but if we're not careful, cute can turn into something else.  For now, since I wasn't the one directing her to do something, I can laugh...in another room so as not to encourage her. 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Deciphering a Cough

For most parents, a cough is just a cough.  It could mean a little dust is in the air or the start of a cold, but nothing to hover over and ponder deeply.  For us, a cough can have many meanings, and deciphering it is the challenge. 

The Babe is more prone to chest colds due to her allergies and asthma.  Her having a cold isn't the first thing that crosses our minds though when she starts to cough.  First, is she choking on something?  If she's choking, is it from something irritating her throat or is it the start of an allergic reaction?  Next, if she's not choking and can talk, but keeps coughing, is it the start of an allergic reaction or her asthma?  If you see a running thread here, we always question if she's having an allergic reaction.  A cold or asthma come into concern second. 

Lately I suspect her asthma is starting to kick up.  I think humidity has been triggering it when we've gone out.  My husband though keeps wanting to pin it on her allergies.  Either way, it looks like I will now be carrying her inhaler with us wherever we go (and its not just a little inhaler, but the chamber used with it that's about a foot long).  So, my traveling pharmacy continues to grow. 

Monday, August 8, 2011

Early Riser

The Babe is generally not an early riser, unless you count her waking up at 2 a.m. calling for me.  So last night was wonderful because I got her to bed before 10 p.m., and not a peep during the night.  But alas, the morning came early in our house.  The Babe usually doesn't wake up until sometime between 8 and 9:30 a.m.  At about 6:15 a.m. she called for me.  Hoping she'd go back to sleep if I went into her bed, or offered a drink, I was out of luck.  She opened her blind to look outside, and begged for t.v.  Well, I'm sticking to that "no t.v. before 8 a.m." rule.  After trying to con her into going back to sleep in my bed, she then brushed her teeth with Daddy while he got ready for work (no, I didn't hide in bed, I was standing right next to her).  Eventually we came downstairs. 

So what did we do after we ate?  I baked, of course!  It was on my agenda for the morning, and it didn't matter what time.  So I have blondies baking that we will be taking to my grandmother's home later today.  The following is my recipe, adapted from Better Homes and Gardens New Cookbook (1996).

2 cups packed golden brown sugar
10 Tbsp. Earth Balance Buttery sticks (or other non-dairy margarine)
2 Tbsp. ground flaxseed
2 tsp. vanilla extract
2 cups Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free All Purpose Flour
1/2 tsp xanthan gum
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips (non-dairy)

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Grease a 13x9x2 baking pan.
2. Combine 2 tbsp. ground flaxseed with 6 tbsp. water.  Set aside.
3. In a saucepan over medium heat, melt margarine.  Then add brown sugar, stir constantly until margarine dissolves.  Then remove pan from heat.
4. Stir in flaxseed-water mixture into pan.  Stir in vanilla.  Gradually stir in flour, xanthan gum, baking powder and baking soda, until fully combined.
5. Pour mixture into pan.  Sprinkle chocolate chips across top.  Bake for about 30 minutes or until done.
Let cool slightly, then cut into bars.

Friday, August 5, 2011


I'm at times a planner, but that is not always a good thing.  Last weekend we had houseguests, and I was very pleasantly surprised by how the visit went.  The reason was that one of our guests is just a few months older than the Babe and a boy.  I negatively anticipated climbing and jumping and fighting over toys.  Boy, was I wrong.  In fact, if either child showed any bad behavior, it was the Babe.  We went to a museum with an elevator and she wanted to push the buttons to call the elevator and for the floors, unwilling to take turns.  And each time she'd practically burst into tears if she didn't get her way.  Otherwise, for most of the visit they played contentedly with each other or near each other.  When he took a nap, she would soon take a nap.  It was great.  If only all his good habits would have rubbed off- naps, early bedtimes, eating most of the meals.  Unfortunately, since they've left I haven't been getting her to nap, despite trying to repeat what we did while they were here.

Another thing this visit reminded me of is that we have some very thoughtful friends.  Our close friends and family who we have been able to get together with are very mindful of the Babe's allergies.  No one grumbles when we request hand washing.  Everyone shows concern about what they might eat just before visiting because they will be coming into contact with the Babe.  What brought this to mind with this visit was that when we went to the museum with our friends, they left the diaper bag behind and put all necessities in a large ziplock bag, just in case there were any prior food remnants on his diaper bag.  I didn't ask them too, I didn't even think of it.  They just did it.

While two toddlers are exhausting, the weekend was a lot of fun.  It was nice to watch the kids play, and for the adults to catch up.  Now we're back to our quiet routine.  Well, with a toddler, not so quiet.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

A Bad Word

Sometimes I wonder if I'm raising a teenager or a toddler.  She has started to say something that I told her is not good, and she has to stop saying it.  What is so bad?  Those words that I know I frequently uttered as a teenager, "I'm bored" or "That's boring".  Yesterday we were outside blowing bubbles, and between the bubbles she kept saying it.  I have no idea why because she loves to do that, and its not an everyday activity.  She has an amazing vocabulary, with great sentence structure and has great comments in context.  I want her to continue to enjoy and explore.  I don't think she was actually bored, but she said it so sincerely.  So I'm going to treat those phrases as bad words, and work on teaching her other things to say should she mention the dreaded "b" word!