Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!  I am generally not a resolution maker, as that would mean I'd probably be a resolution breaker.  Yes, I want to lose weight, get healthier, spend more quality time on quality projects, get creative with the Babe, spend more quality time with my husband, etc. etc.  While the list is long, these are self-improvements or life-style changes that cannot be made at the switch of the clock chiming twelve.  So, I will try to start the year with a more positive mind-set (something I could use after the past week or two).  The Babe has had problems with her asthma over the past week, and my husband has been going a little stir-crazy being off of work for the holidays (hence, making me a little crazy, too).  So its time to try to find a more positive place.

How do I think this negative nelly will get more positive?  By starting to fill my calendar.  I have a fairly blank slate with the new year and new month.  Blocks of time to fill.  The more scheduled I am, the more satisfied I am.  This probably goes back to my school days as a master procrastinator.  If I had weeks to contemplate an assignment, I could not focus until the last day.  The less hours, the better.  When I was in college, with a full course load, working 20+ hours a week, plus activities and family commitments, I made better grades.  Somehow I could focus with more things taking my attention, because I had to allocate my time better.  With an empty calendar, I lose that focus and become a blob on the couch.  So, I guess if I had a New Years Resolution, it would be to not be a blob on the couch. 

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