Wednesday, August 26, 2015

First Grade

We've survived the first day of school.  The Babe started first grade on Monday.  She was a little anxious going in, but when I picked her up at the end of the day she told me it was "wonderful".  The next morning she told me she loved it. 

This year she's at the same school where she attended kindergarten.  I met with several staff members last week to plan for her attendance, and work towards an agreed 504 Plan.  The biggest hurdle is lunch.  As the Babe is presumed to be airborne anaphylactic to dairy (meaning she can't be around heated dairy because the dairy proteins are in the air, and could trigger a reaction upon inhalation), we're trying to avoid the cafeteria on major dairy days. 

The first day of school was naturally pizza day, so I met her for lunch in the library.  It was just her and myself in a quiet corner while an older class was there with the librarian.  I purchased paper placemats ahead of time.  After wiping down her seat, laying out a placemat, and getting her lunch out, she was good to go.  The Babe enjoyed her lunchtime with me. 

The next day we tried out the cafeteria.  The Babe was a bit apprehensive.  I let her know we could go to the library, but she went ahead and ate in the cafeteria.  The Babe sat at one of two allergy tables.  Again, it was just her and myself, with the rest of her class at a longer table adjacent to us.  The Babe wanted a friend with her, which is a possibility in the future so long as they have a safer lunch (like no hot thermos of mac and cheese).  The school principal spent some time in the cafeteria, and made sure to stop by and sit with us for a few minutes to see how everything was going.  With an airborne reaction, it may not be immediate.  So while I was present with her at lunchtime, I tried not to obsess all afternoon.  Thankfully, everything went well.

Today I joined her again in the cafeteria.  Later this week will be library lunches.  Everything went well at lunch except at the very end.  Her teacher rejoined the group in the cafeteria to line them up to return to the classroom, and two boys who both had dairy in their lunches hugged her simultaneous.  That means neither side of her is "clean", and the Babe was very upset that she can't hug her teacher at the end of the day.  This was the Babe being self-aware, and knowing immediately what wasn't safe.  Hopefully she gets over the disappointment before the day is over.

In the meantime, the principle, school social worker, teacher, and various others have checked in to make sure the Babe is o.k. this first week.  Its wonderful to know everyone is watching out for her.  Thankfully, we're off to a good start.

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