Thursday, April 7, 2011

Must Have Coffee

When the Babe was a few weeks old, my husband bought a onesy for her that said, "Sleep is for the Weak".  I have a very cute picture of her in it, and its a funny joke.   However, not so funny now.  When she was an infant, waking up every three to four hours to nurse her didn't actually bother me.  I had plenty of energy, and wasn't drinking any caffeine.  Night feedings continued for many months, and for the most part, didn't bother me. 
Now, I seem to have a sleeping problem.  There are certainly a few external reasons for it.  On nights that I get the Babe to sleep in her own bed, she finds her way back to me by 2 or 3 in the morning.  Other nights she's sleeping right next to me, either laying sideways so she can try to push me out of the bed or kick me in the face, or else beside me trying to absorb all my body heat.  But even with her as a BIG factor in my sleep issues, I'm still finding myself waking in the middle of the night and its not because of her.  She's on the other side of the bed, curled in a ball, sleeping soundly.  (And if you can tell, we have not resumed the battle of the bed.  This will happen in the next few weeks, but we have some stuff coming up that will interrupt any progress we might make.)

Now, I wake up for no known reason, or to go to the bathroom, and it takes hours to sleep again.  It doesn't help that I keep my IPod next to me waiting to play a game or check email.  However, I do put it down...eventually.  I try, and I try, and I try, and I just can't sleep.  So an hour or four later, I finally fall back to sleep.  So now, I think I shall have my second cup of coffee (my limit) for today.

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