Sunday, May 8, 2011

Highlights from Mother's Day

We didn't do too much today for Mother's Day, but here are a few things that were special for me.

- The Babe had her first bite of corn on the cob.  She's eaten corn kernels before, just never on the cob.  I loved watching those little teeth voraciously bite into the cob, and hearing the juicy pop as she did it.

- Watching my husband draw with the Babe.  It was interesting to see, both his style and thought process that went into something as simple as drawing a bouquet of flowers.

- Dinner with the Babe was wonderful!  She ate everything.  Ok, not everything on her plate, but she tried everything that was made.  My husband grilled burgers, and she had a few bites.  I made (first time for this recipe) polenta stuffing, and she ate a good amount of polenta pieces.  I also made steamed cauliflower in the microwave.  The Babe hasn't eaten cauliflower in months, if not more than a year, and she actually had a few pieces.  That was amazing!  What might have helped was having her "assist".  I had her press the start button on the microwave, and then together with a butter knife added some margarine to it after it was cooked.  I think she will be "assisting" a lot more, especially because she keeps asking to cook with me.  If giving her a few safe tasks to do gets her to eat, even if it adds a little more time, then it looks like I have a new sous chef.

- Most especially, that the three of us were together for the day.  My husband spends a lot of Sundays in his office, and today he sacrificed the weekly prep time for us. 

Happy Mother's Day!

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