Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Did you hear that?  It was the Hallelujah Chorus being sung....oh wait, it just stopped because our lawn service just arrived.  The melody started in my head as soon as I got the Babe to fall asleep, and got her tucked away into her bad.  I'm hoping she sleeps through the lawn being mowed. 

In other news, I think the Babe is really trying to get me a nose job.  I like my nose and would like to keep it the way it is.  However, she once again slammed into my nose, and I heard a lovely crunching noise.  No nose bleed, and so far no black eyes. However its been a few hours and I still have a headache.  I don't think this round requires any x-rays, but the more she keeps it up, the greater my chances.  I don't want to wind up in an E.R. with the lame excuse that no, I didn't walk into a wall, nor had a bar fight, or get to say, "you should see what the other guy looks like", just because my daughter miscalculated a flying leap into my face.

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