Friday, June 29, 2012

Travel Adventures

As I mentioned yesterday, we just got back from a trip to Papa and Gram's.  We opted to drive this time, since our last trip was extremely stressful due to flying.  There is no really good option...risk a reaction in the air because we can't control what others eat on board, or spend up to three days driving and staying in hotels en route. 

So how'd we do it?  With lots of planning.  At every hotel, once we unloaded the car, we wiped all the light switches, doorknobs, handles and remotes with Clorox wipes.  We packed a clean sheet to put over the couch, so the Babe would come into limited contact with her allergens.  We also stayed in hotels that had stovetops so I could cook.  Yes, vacation still means I have to cook.  I packed paper plates, bowls, and silverware to make it easier. 

No, it did not mean we didn't have to give her inhaler everywhere, but we didn't have to give her Benadryl.  We're finding that her asthma kicks in when we travel, especially in the south.  We only used her nebulizer once at her grandparents, but her inhaler was needed before bed every night, and during the day on occasion.  As for Benadryl, well, we made it almost a week away without needing it.  She had an asthma attack in the middle of our second night at her grandparents (didn't give the inhaler that night because she seemed fine- my mistake).  Tried to give her Benadryl when she complained of an itchy throat and had a higher pitched cry.  That went away soon after the inhaler kicked in, so it really was just her asthma. 

When did we need the Benadryl?  We had a two-Benadryl day later that week.  As I mentioned yesterday, there was the foot in mouth incident one night.  Earlier that same day, we had made the 4 hour drive from her grandparents to see her great-grandparents in south Florida.  When we walked in the door, her great-grandmother was thrilled to see her, and smothered her in kisses.  So, I wasn't particularly shocked when I saw a big red patch on the Babe's upper cheek and hives popping minutes later.  Four hours of driving, five minutes in their home, and out came the Benadryl.  I didn't see that she had lipstick on (blends with her lipcolor), but she did have some on, and obviously that was all it took.  Not a shocker, and there was no way I was going to say "don't kiss the Babe" after you haven't seen her in ages.  However, maybe next time we'll direct her to kiss the top of the Babe's head.  Anyhow, the Benadryl did the trick, we kept our stay to a short period of time (the sad aspect of these allergies), and then turned around for another long drive. 

How was our trip?  Going along just fine until Tropical Storm Debby decided to visit.  We had a few days of hot, dry weather that allowed for time in the pool, a visit to the aquarium, and a dance class.  Then it rained, and rained, and rained some more.  So, as much as we enjoy being at Papa and Gram's, when it was time to drive home, we were ready.  And now the Babe is already asking when we're going back.

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