Thursday, June 28, 2012

You put your foot where?!

Who knew I'd have to tell my 3 1/2 year old to keep her feet out of her mouth...not once, not twice, but repeatedly.  We just got back from a visit at Papa and Gram's house in Florida.  My mother-in-law keeps a very clean house, and before we came, she washed the floors, wiped down surfaces including the leather couches, and did as much as she could think of to ready the house for the Allergy Babe.  So, no, this is not an issue of uncleanliness.  This is just a fact of life with our Allergy Babe that you need to expect the unexpected.

I know I need to work with the Babe to stop touching her face so much, but I didn't think her feet were an issue.  My little monkey couldn't keep her hands off her feet one evening at Papa and Grams, and was in general playing with them.  We suspect she even popped them in her mouth.  Why this suspicion?  Because I glanced over at her one moment and was surprised to see the bottom half of her lip was starting to swell.  I looked back two minutes later and it had ballooned.  I immediately went for ice, while my husband told me to get the Benadryl.  Benadryl for a fat lip?  I figured she banged it or bit it.  No, she put her foot in her mouth and caused a contact reaction from who knows what she stepped in.  She denied the foot in her mouth until the next morning, but between the ice and Benadryl, her lip was back to normal by the next day.  Never a dull moment with her!

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