Thursday, March 29, 2012

Vitamin C

Today the Babe is sick.  She has a runny, drippy nose, and has gone through a significant amount of Kleenex.  As a result, I have chicken soup cooking in the crockpot for dinner.  We are staying indoors most of the day.  Well, we did go out for a little bit because the Babe got a brand new bicycle yesterday.  It is purple, her favorite color, and she has a blue, pink and heart decorated helmet.  My child does not shy away from color or patterns.

As it is very cold out today, we couldn't stay outside too long.  I needed something to tempt her away from her new bicycle.  Oranges!  How do you distract a three year old from a bicycle with oranges?  We made fresh orange juice.  Not only was it an activity, but it got some much needed vitamin C into her system.  We used a citrus juicer that rests over a cup, and manually twisted and squeezed out juice.  It was fun and delicious.  Now, time to snuggle on the couch with more Kleenex and juice.

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