Saturday, October 1, 2011

Sweet Treat

While my husband and I may have many differences, one thing we share in common is a preference for cooler weather.  I consider myself a snow baby, so while I enjoy aspects of summer, my favorite time of year is now through about February, just before it becomes completely gloomy and grey for a few months, until spring awakens.  I like the smells in the air as fall descends, the changing colors of the foliage, wearing sweaters, going out into a chilly day to return into a warm home, and the list continues. 

So today we enjoyed being outside with the Babe.  While it was cool, it wasn't cold, and the sun was shining.  We took a bit of a drive through some farmland, with our goal to pick some apples.  This was a first for the Babe, and she was excited.  We found a small orchard about twenty minutes from home, with several varieties of apples.  It wasn't a huge orchard, but from a three year old's perspective there were a lot of trees.  It was wonderful watching the Babe's excitement to pluck the apples from the trees, as well as watching the attention my husband was giving her as he would lift her up to find the perfect apple.  While we spent less than an hour there, it was another "normal" activity, with minimal risk for our Allergy Babe.  Now time to find some recipes to make use of our picked bounty.

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