Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Sticky Fingers

It seems early in the year for this, but a cold has hit our house.  The Babe has a lovely bit of chest and nasal congestion.  It started last Wednesday afternoon, and just won't go away.  What have we learned this week?  How to cough into our elbows when in public, and if we stick our fingers in our nose, we then need to wash our hands.  You gotta learn that sometime!  The Babe kept sticking her fingers up her nose, and I finally had to explain how we spread germs and make others sick.  That seems to have stuck, so now she lets me know when she's washing her hands because she didn't use a Kleenex.  Fortunately, that isn't too often now. 

We did see the pediatrician on Friday.  That's when the coughing in the elbow lesson was taught, because she didn't want to wear the mask the receptionist gave her.  The doctor prescribed an oral steroid, which the Babes been better about taking, but still dislikes it.  Oh well.  Tomorrow we'll be done with it, and hopefully finally on the mend. 

This morning she may have had too much juice with the steroid, because soon after she threw up just a little.  Now, the Babe isn't much of a puker (thankfully!).  However, if she's in my bed, somehow she knows how to hit the one pillow that only has a pillow case on it, no pillow protector.  And for some reason, when I changed the sheets last, I must have let one protector air dry, and didn't realize that I left one off.  And of course it was from one of our more expensive pillows.  And the Babe only puked on that one.  Good job!

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