Monday, May 12, 2014

New Normal

Its always interesting the conversations you can have in the specialty aisles at the grocery store.  Today, while just getting a few items, I had a lovely conversation with an older woman who has Celiac.  We were comparing some of the snack and bread items available. 

Anytime I see someone pondering a product or in search of something, I somehow become this social butterfly engaging random strangers in conversation.  Granted, if they aren't responding, I back off.  I don't want to be the weirdo in the grocery store.  And, some of these conversations have also led me to meet others who might be that person.  However, its rewarding to either give new information or share information.  I had that a few months back at Barnes and Nobles while looking at some books in the cookbook section.  An older woman was being shown the gluten free books by a clerk, and I was better able to direct her to what she was looking for (I had already seen it on the shelf).  We started up a conversation, and before you knew it, I was able to give her some resources she wasn't aware of.  It was such a rewarding feeling.  So, for a day filled with errands and most likely limited human interaction, those few minutes sharing our experiences or findings become the highlight of my morning.

This food-aware community is growing, be it from allergies, sensitivities, or illness.  You never know where or how you'll meet someone.  My mammogram tech's high school aged daughter had a plethora of food allergies, and my new dentist's elementary school daughter has a few life-threatening allergies as well.  You cannot escape this new reality.  For our sake, hopefully this makes it easier as the Babe gets older.  She won't be unique, and her situation will hopefully be seen as manageable to those around her.   We will learn what is the new normal, grow, and accept it. 

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