Wednesday, November 30, 2011

"I Want"

Children's television programming aimed at 2-4 year olds is mostly wonderful and educational.  The commercials though are not.  When we started watching children's programming, specifically on Sprout, the commercials were for diapers and a reading program.  No toys.  Now we have diversified our channel watching, and the station with the Big Mouse knows a lot about marketing.  So of course, when we watch that channel, the only non-toy commercial I can recall is for a cake pop maker.  This has led to a frequent case of, "I Want!".  It doesn't matter what the item is (including the baking tool), the Babe repeatedly says, "I Want".  She doesn't ask for the product after seeing it, only during the commercial.  So last night, I got rather sick of hearing her say, "I want" over and over and over again.  Finally, when she wouldn't stop, I suggested she say, "I like".  Well, she got the concept and redefined it.  Her next response was, "I like it.  Get it for me?".  Argh!

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