Monday, November 7, 2011


This year for Halloween I couldn't get away with the Babe not realizing what was happening.  I dressed her up when she was an infant, and she was shown off to neighbors that were trick-or-treating.  The next year I made her a costume that she wasn't interested in, and she was unaware of what was going on.  Last year she fell asleep just as the trick-or-treaters were coming around.  But this year she knew.  All the children's shows had something about Halloween, costumes, and trick-or-treating.  I don't think she fully understood, to which I took advantage of that. 

Our community dictated trick-or-treating to occur on Sunday, the 30th, late in the afternoon.  So, just before it was supposed to start, I dressed her up in a princess costume.  She thought her friends were coming, not quite grasping that trick-or-treaters ring the bell, and soon after, leave.  However, after the first round she understood.  And she insisted that she open the door.  As long as I was there, that was fine.  It was dark and rainy for the majority of the time.  Hence, I have a couple hundred Dum-dum lollipops leftover.  That's ok, because I only gave out safe candy.  Yes, most kids with food allergies wouldn't go trick-or-treating, but for those who might, or simply have a nut allergy (versus the numerous ones we deal with), we were safe.

I suspect next year will be more of a challenge.  I do not intend to take her out.  Hopefully she will enjoy the dressing up and giving out candy.  I will be happy to buy her a small toy in lieu of candy.  Its better that way- greater enjoyment for a longer period of time, rather than temporary enjoyment of a piece of sugar (ok, right now I'd take the sugar, but that's my story for her and I'm sticking to it!).

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