Monday, July 9, 2012

Let's Dance

Who would think a bird striking my windshield as I was driving would actually calm me down?!  O.k., sorry to you animal lovers, I have no idea what condition the bird was in after this incident. 

The Babe and I were en route to her very first ballet class.  She was super excited, and I was trying to control my stress level worrying about potential hazards.  We were about half-way there when two birds tried to fly across the road from the opposite lane at the same moment my car reached their elevation point.  One safely passed by, the other struck the top of my windshield, and after that, I have no idea where it went.  My windshield survived, the Babe thought it was funny, and my blood pressure dropped a little (yes, atypical reactions). 

Once we got to the dance school my blood pressure again ricocheted up, and stayed elevated until class was over.  However, the facility is a newer building, everyone there is First Aid and CPR certified, and her class wasn't too large.  The Babe had a lot of fun.  The cutest thing was towards the end of class they did a freeze-dance, and the Babe was wiggling and shaking her tushy.  All the parents watching laughed.  Afterwards, her teacher requested that all the parents wash their kids hands before class due to one of the student's severe food allergies (she didn't even point out which child, although everyone knew based on my response).  We came home, and all the Babe wanted to do was stay in her brand new ballet shoes, but alas, those must be kept only for class.  I'm going to take this one week at a time.  So far, so good.


  1. So???? How did the class go and are you going back?

  2. We've attended two classes, the second ending with hives around her eye that went away with water and a little time. Going to give it another chance.
