Saturday, August 13, 2011


To our various family members who have offered the Babe the "bribe" of big girl underpants should she use the potty, it won't work.  She is not bribeable.  Ok, that's probably not entirely true.  You'll just have to pick something else to entice her if you plan to bribe her.  Why do I say this?  Because I have tried.  I had bought her underpants a few months ago, and have offered them to her on various occasions.  This morning I went so far as to put a pair on her, planning to then add the overpants.  Well, the Babe informed me that she does not like underpants, and didn't want to wear them.  She is a rock- the potty video, the pull-up diapers, the big girl underpants- nothing seems to be working...yet.  In fact, she sat happily on the potty today a few times, but nothing happened.  She even tells me that she'll make me soooo happy if she pees on the potty.  Ok, I didn't say this to her, she just knows it.  Granted, I don't want her to associate going to the bathroom with making her parents happy, because we'll have big problems come her teen years.  I'm trying not to push her too hard, but the clock is ticking.  I'm considering buying a real potty, not just the seat you put on top of the toilet.  To me that is the ultimate concession- oh, the horror!  I haven't caved yet.  We'll see what the next few days bring.

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