Monday, August 29, 2011

Wiped Out

Exciting news, but I am wiped out!  Yesterday afternoon, since I was running out of regular diapers, I put the Babe in a pull-up.  She didn't want her pants back on, so no big deal.  An hour or two later, she tells me, "Mommy, I have to go pee-pee!" and goes running across the house to the bathroom.  Well, I'm certainly not going to say no to that.  Onto the toilet she goes, she chants, "Go, C___, Go!", and  a minute later she did it!  She was thrilled, as was I.  Forty minutes later, she did it all over again.  We tried a few more times at my urging, but it wasn't until two hours later that she again made the announcement that she had to go, and went running.  We had three successful potty trips last night. all instigated by the Babe. 

Today, we're apparently on a roll again.  Just before we went out this morning, I put her in a pull-up.  It was dry when we got home.  Then, a little while later, off she went running.  In the past hour, she's done this four times with success (five as I type this).  I'm already tired from the lifting onto the toilet, off, and up for handwashing, but I will not impede this great process.  Go, C, Go!

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