Friday, January 13, 2012

Clean Hands

How often do you wash your hands?  For me, too frequently to count.  Besides after using the bathroom, after eating, during and after food preparation, coming in from outside, etc. etc.  No, I do not have an obsessive compulsive condition.  I just wash my hands... a lot.

When I first started working my freshman year in college, I worked in a hospital.  My father was on immunosuppressants, so I never wanted to bring anything contagious into the house.  Hence, every time I walked in the house, I would go to wash my hands.  For the most part, I still do that, but now its in case I touched something the Allergy Babe may be allergic to.  When I handle meat, I wash my hands numerous times so as not to spread any bacteria if the food prep involves going from counter to stove back to counter.  As I still assist the Babe in the bathroom, I'm washing my hands then too.  Its probably better I don't know how often I wash my hands in a day... I might just become obsessed!

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