Wednesday, January 4, 2012


This is my 201st post on this blog.  I had no idea that I would continue writing about life with my food-allergic child.  This has become a journal, baby book, recipe log, and place for my general commentary.  Obviously I don't reveal all about our lives or my thought process, but its fun for me to scroll back and remind myself of various moments we've experienced (good and bad).

This morning I'm up before the Babe, so figured I have a few moments to post.  Once upon a time, I woke much earlier to get to a job outside the home.  That was also before the Babe came along.  I would get up at 5:30 a.m., shower, dress, catch a train, so I could be in downtown Chicago before 8:00 a.m.  Many days it was dark before I left my home.  Most of my clothes went to the dry cleaner and I never went to work without some makeup on.  Somehow I did that for several years.  And those days I never went to bed before 10 pm unless I was sick, most times not till 11 or 12.  Now, if I'm up in the dark its either because I never fell asleep or the Babe woke me in the middle of the night.  Getting up before 8am without requiring fifteen minutes to open my eyes first is an extreme challenge.  Then again, I am regularly up for at least a half hour around 2:30 a.m., sometime several hours more.  Forget make-up, forget dry-clean only.  Jeans are the uniform, and why bother with make-up because the Babe loves me just the way I am (I hope).

These days my routine revolves around making sure the Babe is fed and our kitchen is stocked.  My days are more interesting when we have some sort of schedule, but our day starts off with a juice box and PBS.  There is no rush to get dressed (although my goal is before 10) except on days we go to the gym.  Eventually this will change.  For now, I have remind myself to live in the moment because time really does go so fast.  And now, time to wake up the Babe.

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