Thursday, January 12, 2012

Run, Jump, Play

Am I a "helicopter parent"?  I definitely hover.  I'm overprotective.  But please, go play.  Be with other kids.  Run, jump, swing.  Oh, but don't touch anything.  How confusing is that?

Today we had our first kiddie gym class.  I had to let go for a half hour.  By letting go, it wasn't me walking away while she got to play.  It was me worrying about what she might come in contact with. 

The class was held in a dance studio where no food is allowed.  However, there were lots of kids who came from the nearby childcare center who probably only just had breakfast.  Did they all wash after they ate?  Was there any food residue left on their clothes?  Luckily, today there was no contact involved in the program.  That didn't mean I didn't sit there trying to control my blood pressure while I observed through the glass.  I had to remind myself she was safe and having fun.  She sat in a line with the other kids listening to the teachers, then ran and jumped around with them too.  I loved watching her be a normal little kid.  Afterwards, she told me how much fun she had.  We're home now, and she's fine.  I'm fine, too.  Looks like we'll be returning next week. 

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