Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Riding in Cars

If you can't see something, its very easy to forget its there.  In my case, child safety locks on cars.  Our older car has had them engaged for a while, and ever since we got the new car the backseat safety locks are on.  Yesterday we went to Barnes and Noble.  I got into the backseat to unbuckle the Babe and get her coat on.  [She refuses to wear her coat while in the car.]  There was an empty parking space next to me, and it was cold.  I thought I was doing the smart, responsible thing by closing the door while I assisted her.  Oops.  I completely forgot and I locked us in. 

I had three options.  First, looks like the idiot that I felt I was and wave someone down to open the door for me.  Second, climb over the seats and risk ruining the leather with my shoes, so I could exit out of the front.  Or, option three, reach over the front seat, turn on the car, roll down the window, and be thankful that the back seat windows go all the way down so I could reach out and open the car door from outside.  I chose option three.  Good thing I can problem solve, or else I might have resorted to phoning my husband to come get us out, and I can live without what he might have said in response to our predicament (or the ensuing laughter).

1 comment:

  1. I think this my first ever comment on your blog........ I'm laughing out loud having just read this!
