Sunday, January 8, 2012

Hello World!

I do not watch the show, "Toddler and Tiaras", for many reasons.  However, yesterday I suspect my child could have been a contestant.  Not because she or I were behaving badly. 

We had gone to a very large grocery store in our area with my husband.  When we got out of the car, the Babe insisted on wearing her sunglasses into the store.  No, not Jackie O glasses, but lavender with rhinestones.  She took them off once inside the store, just up until we finished paying for our groceries.  My husband walked ahead of me while holding the Babe's hand as I pushed the cart.  Imagine a little girl wearing those purple sunglasses, a bright pink top, rainbow pants, and a very bright purple and pink bear backpack, doing a pageant wave throughout the long walk out of the store.  It wasn't so much a pageant wave, but she just kept waving.  Even when there weren't any people nearby.  I was very happy it was my husband walking with her.  I was just a tad embarrassed, although laughing at the same time.  People did wave back, so she must have something going on there.  However, I'm not signing her up with an agent any time soon.  The only crown in my Little Miss' future will be the one we bought for $2 at Target!

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