Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Lots of Flushing

Today is the day we test our plumbing.  Oops, no, today is the day I try to potty train the Babe.  In our first hour, she was put on it three times.  Unfortunately, between the second and third attempt, I missed that window and she wet her diaper.  No luck on any action on the toilet other than filling it with paper and flushing.  But fear not, I have all day.  Hopefully by the end of the day we have success at least once.  My goal is to put her on every 30-60 minutes, depending on what she consumes during those time periods.  Reminder, I don't want to do this but we're getting closer to her birthday and I will not have a 3 year old in diapers. 

Putting things in writing seem more permanent.  I become accountable.  So I'll take a giant leap here and say it.  My goal is (not really, but its in writing now) to have the Babe potty trained by the end of summer.  Big girl underpants, here we come!

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