Thursday, April 28, 2011


I've never been a particularly patient person.  I don't like to wait, and when I was younger perfected the rapid knee bounce just for that reason.  As I've gotten older, I've gotten better about it.  Today in particular I am proud of my restraint. 

The Babe and I went to the kiddie pool with friends, and then played on an indoor gym set.  After a while, the other mother and I agreed it was time to go.  The Babe didn't agree.  This time she didn't have much choice.  Imagine a large indoor pool (lap lanes, water slide, kiddie pool, etc.) with many well behaved children and retirees, and my child the screeching banshee.  Somehow she has recently perfected a high pitched cry/scream.  It is deafening if too close to your ear- believe me, I know!  Anyhow, I carried her out, got our stuff from the locker room, and then made our way to the lobby to sit down.  After snuggling with a juice box she calmed down.  I just needed to let her cry/scream it out for a bit, and be prepared with drinks.  No, not drinks for me (although sometimes surprised I haven't become a raging alcoholic).  I always have a sippee cup or juice box with me for these occasions, but more because I assume she's thirsty.  They soothe her too, which worked today.  Eventually we got out, and home.  Forget any errands, those can wait, as apparently I can, too.

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