Sunday, April 3, 2011

Date Night

My husband and I go out about once a week for what some might call "Date Night".  Its not necessarily so we get some quality time together, although that is sorely needed since the Babe doesn't go to bed until late and he's been working longer hours.  Its more so I get to eat "real food", or rather, food I didn't cook and food that doesn't fit within the Babe's restricted diet.  Let us say it is usually filled with eggs, dairy and/or wheat. 

Last night we enjoyed Chinese food.  First off, yum!  We finally found a local restaurant that was good.  I thoroughly enjoyed it, and can't wait to go back. That though is not the point of this post.  Its what happens after we get to enjoy "unsafe food".  Our routine is to wash up in the restaurant, washing hands and rinsing out mouths.  Then, once we get in the house, the Babe usually runs towards us in delight that we're home and wanting to share all the fun things she did with the sitter.  At which point we say hi and dance around her.  She knows the routine, so by now isn't surprised that we then go upstairs.  I proceed to wash my face and hands thoroughly with soap, brush my teeth, and change my clothes.  Afterwards, I return to her for hugs and kisses.  However, we still watch her, just in case. 

Last night I was a little more leery.  I don't know why, worrying that I may not have gotten every possible food particle off me.  Its not like I went face first into my food or slathered it on in sheer delight.  Its just that niggling little thing that after a few hours eventually goes away.  So that is what our date night is like- dinner followed by scrubbing down.  I may not be prepped to perform surgery, but I'm ready for hugs.

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