Sunday, March 6, 2011

Night 2

I thought I'd give an update on our second night of the Bedtime Wars. It involved 2 hours of trying to get her to go to sleep. I took the first hour, and then because I was getting angry and tired, I called in the reserves. I had enough of going in and out and over the stupid gate.

She had about 6 diaper changes during that 2 hour period, repeatedly telling us she was wet, or had "leaked". By the 4th or 5th time, it was Daddy's turn. She also had 3 different pairs of pajama bottoms last night (one of which was prior to putting her to bed), because of how we put the diaper on. So at about midnight, I got up, kicked my thankfully patient husband out of her room, and roared that she had to go to sleep. And you want to know what she did? She went to sleep. Well, until about 4:10 a.m., gently crying "mommy". In I went, and luckily she was still in bed. Soothed her, and she went back to sleep. She awoke at 7:10 a.m., gave her some juice, and then brought her into my room for another 2 hours (I woke her up so we could go out).

So last night we got 7 hours of her staying in her bed. I'm so tired, I really just want to let her go to bed with me, but that just puts us back at square one, or worse. So in a couple hours we will begin Night 3. Wish me luck (and some sleep)!

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